Sunday, December 12, 2010

Chicken Caesar Pizza


I've been seeing a lot of recipes lately for pizzas with lettuce toppings.  Not wanting to be left out of the loop, I thought I'd give Chicken Caesar Pizza a go.

I did it begrudgingly.  I blame food blog peer pressure.

However, despite my reservations going into this project, this pizza is a new favorite of mine.  My hubby was late coming home from work and he's lucky that I saved him some it was so good.

Like most of my recipes, you can make this as health conscious or as fatty as you want - I took it the healthier route and used my Naan Recipe for the crust and my Caesar Dressing for the sauce.  I recommend those since that's the taste I had last night that knocked my socks off, but if you don't have the time for all that, then any prepared pizza crust or dressing will do the trick.

Let's take a look at what you're going for without the lettuce barrier:

Beautiful, huh?  Okay, here's the idea...

Chicken Caesar Pizza
  • Pizza crust (prepared or homemade, I used my Naan recipe)
  • Caesar dressing (mine was incredible for this and can be found HERE)
  • Shredded chicken (amount depends on preference, the pizza pictured has about 1 1/2 breasts worth of meat)
  • Tomato, sliced very thin (light should shine through thin - this will make it become a part of the sauce, if you want more tomatoes you can chunk them and add them later)
  • Spinach, shredded (about 1/4 cup or more according to taste)
  • Onion, thinly sliced
  • Mozzerella Cheese
  • Parmesan Cheese
  • Romaine lettuce, torn
Beforehand, shred the chicken and seal it in an air tight bag with enough dressing to coat the chicken.  Let chill in the fridge until it's time to cook.  Prepare crust according to its directions.  Smear crust with Caesar dressing, then lay the thin tomato slices on top of the sauce.  Next lay down the spinach and onion slices.  Top veggies with the prepared chicken, then cover everything with the two cheeses (if you're trying to save on calories, use a fine shredded cheese and keep it light).

Bake according to the directions for your pizza crust (mine baked at 350 for about 12 minutes).

Remove pizza from oven, top with torn lettuce and additional dressing if desired.

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