Friday, March 4, 2011

Sweet Potato Sandwich

Right after having a foot surgery, Hubby took me to get some lunch so that I wouldn’t need to get up for the rest of the afternoon. We wanted to be quick since he was away from work so we popped over to the Flour Power Café* in our neighborhood.

It wasn’t exactly what we expected (and a bit pricey), but with TONS of yummy sounding options we were happy to be there. I got a vegetarian sandwich that used sweet potato as the “meat” then loaded the bread with more veggies and a veggie-spread as well.

It was so yummy I swooned, and not because of the heavy medication.

I can’t recreate their sandwich perfectly since I don’t have a clue what went into that spread (it was kind of hummus-y), but I decided to take the idea and make it my own.

Sweet Potato Sandwich
  • 1 medium/large sweet potato, peeled, steamed, sliced
  • Grainy sliced bread, toasted
  • Sweet BBQ sauce
  • Avocado Dip - (1 mashed avocado with dashes of onion powder, cumin, garlic powder, and chili powder)
Possible toppings:
  • Baby spinach
  • Sprouts
  • Onion
  • Tomato
  • Cheese
  • Cucumbers
Spread BBQ sauce on one of the slices of bread, then arrange sweet potatoes on top. Spread avocado dip on the other slice of bread. Stack sandwich with as many toppings as you like, sandwich together and enjoy! Makes 3 sandwiches.

Happy Cooking!

*I was in no way compensated for the review of this restaurant (which is now gone, sad).

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