Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lemon Broccoli Chicken

Click HERE if you’d like to see the original Campbell's recipe, or keep reading to see my version.

Lemon Broccoli Chicken
  • 4-5 chicken breasts (depending on the size of pieces and your skillet, I fit 5)
  • 1 lemon (to be juiced and zested)
  • lemon-pepper spice
  • 1 can cream of broccoli soup
  • 1/2 c. milk
  • 1 tsp. sugar
Clean and trim chicken pieces of excess fat or gristle.  Sprinkle chicken pieces (on both sides) with lemon pepper.  Warm skillet over med-high heat and spray with a little cooking spray.  Brown chicken in pan, turning once.  While chicken cooks, stir together in a bowl the soup, milk, sugar, and lemon zest and juice.*  Drain excess juice from skilled then pour sauce over chicken, bring to a boil, then reduce your heat to low, cover and cook for about 5 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.  Serve chicken with sauce over rice with lots of steamed veggies.

*Kim’s notes:  I used the zest and juice of a small lemon yielding about 1/2 tsp of zest and 2 tsp of juice.  To zest the lemon without a true zester, clean the skin then run the lemon in short motions over the smallest grate on your cheese grater.  To get juice from a lemon with ease, first, before cutting your lemon, roll it on the counter, pushing down with the heel of your hand.  Do this several times loosening the juices.  Cut the lemon in half and squeeze.

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