Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sweet Potatoes Mash

Sweet potatoes are SO good for you, but my hubster isn't always too excited for them.  I found that by making a mash of sweet and regular baking potatoes he was much happier.

The added bonus?  They ROCK as leftovers! Who knew? Usually repeat mashed potatoes are stiff and unappealing, but these fellers on day two are still smooth and dreamy!

Sweet Potatoes Mash (adapted from
  • Equal amounts sweet potato and baking potato, peeled and cubed (for our little family I'll do one HUGE potato each, or two mediums)
  • 1/4 c. Fat free sour cream
  • 1/4 c. skim milk
  • salt
Put diced potatoes in a steam basket over a boiling pot of water. Steam until tender (not long depending on size of chunks).  Dump potatoes into a large bowl, add other ingredients, then beat with an electric mixer until smooth.  Serve hot.

Kim's Note: Taste this mash before serving!  Some sweet potatoes aren't as sweet as others, and I've been known to throw in a pinch of brown sugar from time to time if it needs help.

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