Friday, January 7, 2011

Banana Bread Trifle

This quick, throw-together and you’re done, dessert is simply creamy heaven!  I’ve always loved trifle, and when I tried a similar trifle at a party, I just knew that I had to make this for my hubby (my Banana Bread Monster). I made individual trifles in glass goblets.  Making individual dishes is great for making desirable portions (healthy living) for you and your kids, but by using glass cups or goblets, the trifle layering still comes through.

I particularly love how the pudding takes on the flavor of banana in this dish, and that the number of possible add ins are endless.  Here’s what to do:

Banana Bread Trifle
  • Cubed banana bread
  • sugar-free vanilla pudding (trust me on the sugar free part, I was a little skeptical myself, but the sweetness of the bread really works well with it)
  • 2 c. skim milk
  • Light whipped topping
  • Your choice of add-in for layering (The lady at the party used pomegranates, I used chocolate chips, but I think that Reese’s PB cups or any kind of berry would be divine.)
Have all ingredients prepared and at hand except for pudding.  You have to move quickly so that the pudding doesn’t set while you work.  First put in your glass dishes a few bite-sized cubes of banana bread (I’d say that the smaller the better).  Prepare pudding with milk, then pour over bread until just covered.  Top first with the add in of your choice then with whipped topping. Repeat layers as many times as you want, or stop there for a smaller serving.  Allow trifles to set in the refrigerator – the pudding really only needs 5 minutes, but giving it more time will let the flavors blend even better.

*With one box of pudding and about half of the whipped topping I made three of the large goblets pictured.

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